From: Gene Beley, The Record
I read Jerry Meral's May 19 op-ed piece in The Record, "Clarifying issues with Bay Delta Conservation Plan."
He did not mention how BDCP's twin tunnel plan will use eminent domain to take away thousands of acres of Delta family farms.
Coalition response...The Delta has undergone a slow but continual change dating back hundreds of years. The Swamp and Overflow Land Act of 1850 spurred substantial changes that created the islands found in the Delta. Cities began to pop up around and in the Delta. Each change resulted in benefits that ultimately favored California, but that have undeniably created a Delta that is vastly different from its natural state. History is poised to repeat itself with the Bay Delta Conservation Plan (BDCP).
The Legislature's 2009 mandate for co-equal goals includes both improved water supply reliability AND ecosystem restoration. Fixing the host of problems confronting the Delta will take a lot of work and may cause temporary inconveniences. That's a necessary part of returning the Delta to its potential as a vibrant and productive ecosystem and serving the water supply needs of 25 million Californians and thousands of farmers. Doing nothing means that the Delta will continue to collapse, which is unacceptable for water users and true advocates for the environment. |
Supervisors fear Delta water grab
From: Dennis Wyatt, Manteca Bulletin
Frank Ruhstaller and Steve Bestolarides are rallying the troops as California's perennial water wars heat up.
This time they warn San Joaquin County's economic vitality and ability to make local land use decisions without potentially kowtowing to a regional agency are at state.
Coalition response...People incorrectly view the Bay Delta Conservation Plan's two tunnels as depleting the amount of water in the Sacramento River and the Delta. The water that will flow through the tunnels is that supply that is already legally contracted for by water users south of the Delta.The amount of water that will flow through the tunnels will be limited by the actual day-by-day conditions and flows of the Sacramento River. Studies have concluded that water diversions will likely be in the range of average exports over the past 20 years. When flows are high more water can be moved through the tunnels. When flows are lower less water will be moved...or none at all under dry conditions. Learn more at
Supervisor Ruhstaller should understand that of the nearly 4,000 farmers in the San Joaquin Valley receiving water that flows through the Delta, most are family farmers. According to USDA statistics, nearly 96% of all farms in California are owned by families, individuals or partnerships and that percentage is likely representative for the San Joaquin Valley's southern and Westside that he attempts to vilify.
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Bay Delta Conservation Plan |
The Buzz: Southern California lawmakers trumpet 'strong support' for Jerry Brown's water plan From: Jeremy B. White, Sacramento Bee North-south split on water includes House members
Weather, terrain, culture - there are plenty of things to distinguish Northern California from the south state.
Add to that list where House members stand on Gov. Jerry Brown's divisive plan to construct a massive new water delivery system in the state.
Fisheries |
Wayward salmon trapped in canal near Willows From: Alastair Bland, Chico Enterprise-Record As many as several hundred adult endangered winter-run chinook salmon have been discovered in a shallow freshwater canal near Willows, where federal officials said Thursday the fish - which had been on their way upstream to spawn - may have been trapped for about five months. |
Legislature |
Delta-Related Bill Held in Senate Appropriations Committee From: Lisa Lien-Mager, ACWA An ACWA-opposed bill dealing with reduced reliance on the Delta was held in the Senate Appropriations Committee May 23. |
People |
Machado retires from Delta Protection Commission From: Gene Beley, Central Valley Business Times Michael Machado, who has served as executive director of the Delta Protection Commission since Sept. 20, 2010, announced his retirement at the commission's May 23 meeting in Courtland. |
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