Tuesday, October 8, 2013

News articles and links from October 8, 2013

Water Supply

From: Harry Cline, Western Farm Press

It does not take long for a conversation with a California farmer to reach the topic of water. It has always been that way.

However, the topic strikes real fear like it has never before. California has faced numerous water crises, but nothing like this one.

From: Antoine Abou-Diwan, Imperial Valley Press

With a little less than three months remaining in 2013, the Imperial Irrigation District Board of Directors on Tuesday will consider making some changes to the district's 2013 water apportionment pilot program while staff revises the program for 2014.

Bay Delta Conservation Plan

From: Eastern Municipal Water District, Western Municipal Water District, Riverside Public Utilities, Elsinore Valley Municipal Water District

"This document was inserted in the Sunday edition of the Riverside Press-Telegram by the above districts."

The Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta east of San Francisco Bay is so far from Southern California that many of our residents may not know where it is or why it matters. Simply put, water that originates in the Sierra Nevada Mountains moves through the Delta providing drinking water for as many as 25 million California residents, including many in Southern California.

In addition to water supplies for millions, water that moves through the Delta supplies an agricultural industry that, in turn, feeds millions of people, producing much of the nation's produce.


From: Alex Breitler, Stockton Record

Exotic fish such as striped bass undoubtedly eat imperiled baby salmon in the Delta, but a team of experts in a new report says there's not enough evidence to say whether the predators are harming salmon populations overall.

From: Press Release, Department of Fish and Wildlife

The California Department of Fish and Wildlife (CDFW) has released a draft environmental impact report (DEIR) for a conservation fish hatchery to assist with the restoration of salmon runs in the San Joaquin River.

The proposed site of the new Salmon Conservation and Research Facility (SCARF) is located in Friant in Fresno County and adjacent to the San Joaquin River approximately 1.1 miles downstream of Friant Dam.


From: Amy Quinton, Capital Public Radio  

The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta was once a vast tidal marshland and inland estuary. Now thousands of miles of fragile levees surround artificial islands below sea level. More than 90 percent of wetlands have disappeared, and native fish are dying.


From: Antoine Abou-Diwan, Imperial Valley Press 

The University of California Desert Research & Extension Center is hosting an Irrigation and water management workshop Wednesday for Imperial Valley growers and irrigators.

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