Monday, December 5, 2011

News articles and links from Dec. 5, 2011

Transcending old thinking about California agricultural water use


By Peter Gleick

From SF Chronicle - Sunday, Dec. 4, 2011

Coalition response...In a clumsy attempt to defend their earlier flawed studies the Pacific Institute is now attacking the work of respected agricultural university officials. What is hilarious is that in doing so, they tacitly acknowledge that they either haven't read the Center for Irrigation Technology report on agricultural water use efficiency or this blog is simply another knee-jerk reaction.

Gleick's assertion that farmers can increase production through improved irrigation management is well documented in the CIT report so there's nothing new there. Farmers have been improving water use efficiency dramatically over the years and the CIT report documents it.

Trying to bolster his argument Gleick refers to a "newly published peer reviewed article" in Water International. Interestingly an independent water expert didn't write the article Gleick uses to back up the points he is making here. He wrote it himself, and then uses it as an example to demonstrate how he is right. He knows he's right because he read a supporting document somewhere. Never mind the fact that he wrote it himself.

And he's wrong again when he mischaracterizes our organization as a "Sacramento-based lobby group." It is easy enough for him to check with the Secretary of State's office for an official list. We're not on it.

If individuals are interested in reading the report and learning its contents, rather than allowing someone with a bias viewpoint to tell them what is in it, visit the CIT website at and decide for yourself.


Bay-Delta salinity - a brief history


By John Fleck

From Inkstain - Saturday, Dec. 3, 2011

Coalition response...An important piece of history that the author overlooks is the role played by the State and federal water projects in preventing salinity from reaching far into the Delta. DWR maps show that in 1931, prior to the water projects, salt water reached as far into the Delta as Walnut Grove. Since the projects became operational, the salinity intrusion has gone no further inland than the southern tip of Brannan Island, a significant benefit. It is also important to realize that this improved effort to push back the salinity coincides with operations that allow the water projects to deliver water to farms and cities in the Sacramento Valley. The result of these water deliveries is a supply of water that is used to produce a safe and healthy food supply while providing jobs for thousands.


Action Alert: Stop the Destruction of Striped Bass!


By Dan Bacher

From IndyBay Media - Saturday, Dec. 3, 2011

Coalition response...Anyone submitting comments to the DFG Commission would be wise to base their submission on facts and not the rhetoric put forward by this author. The facts are that there are multiple influences on salmon and smelt populations in the Delta, including striped bass. Attempts to place the blame on pumps that send water to 25 million Californians and also produces a healthy and safe food are ignorant of these multiple factors. Studies have shown that predation has a greater impact than the pumps. Other factors include diminishing water quality and food supply caused by wastewater discharges into the Delta waterways from nearby cities.


Ex-judge tarnishes past rulings with new job


From Contra Costa Times - Sunday, Dec. 4, 2011

Moving to other side of stream


From The Record - Sunday, Dec. 4, 2011

Oliver Wanger, from judge to water-rights litigant


From SF Chronicle - Friday, Dec. 3, 2011

Wanger does what good free agents do


By Bill McEwen

From Fresno Bee - Friday, Dec. 3, 2011


California's water system is in as much trouble as our roads


By Randy Fiorini

From Modesto Bee - Saturday, Dec. 3, 2011


Dam near Dos Palos is key to restoring salmon run


From Fresno Bee - Saturday, Dec. 3, 2011

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